TOP 10 - supply players [crop]
36 932 023
35 089 161
34 208 558
26 349 160
25 977 801
21 659 358
21 439 200
20 757 854
18 754 588
16 294 503
TOP 10 - supply alliances [crop]
416 968 083
106 340 547
62 146 012
47 409 458
7 425 266
4 824 516
4 097 934
158 400
60 000
TOP 10 - crop overflowers
3 348 457
2 554 181
1 971 058
1 615 466
1 481 016
1 471 924
1 437 155
1 308 025
1 201 271
1 162 386
TOP 10 - feeding troops [Alliances]
0.00 %
0.00 %
0.00 %
0.00 %
0.00 %
0.00 %
0.00 %
0.00 %
0.00 %
0.00 %
02. 11. 2023, 00:15
Travian Legends latest version support
15. 01. 2023, 17:00
Various changes and improvements
21. 08. 2022, 12:45
Various changes and improvements
01. 06. 2022, 01:00
Various changes and improvements
28. 03. 2022, 11:30
Various changes and improvements
25. 03. 2022, 17:00
Functional graphs in statistics
23. 03. 2022, 21:30
Improved new account registration
14. 03. 2022, 13:00
New tribes (Egyptians and Huns) now fully supported
13. 03. 2022, 15:00
Various changes and improvements
28. 07. 2021, 09:30
Various changes and improvements
Partner links
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Crop Tool - domains
Initial level:
79.7 %
Actual level:
0.0 %
Granary will be empty:
from 25. 04. 2019, 16:39:56