TOP 10 - supply players [crop]
61 419 979
51 527 507
49 456 631
48 696 597
44 812 479
44 810 504
41 272 587
37 362 202
32 591 092
29 161 840
TOP 10 - supply alliances [crop]
760 559 801
358 374 366
282 374 230
122 251 400
68 856 933
11 799 444
3 429 042
60 900
26 000
TOP 10 - crop overflowers
5 389 834
4 051 864
3 234 751
3 210 780
2 781 220
2 770 060
2 683 414
2 655 337
2 113 412
1 827 407
TOP 10 - feeding troops [Alliances]
0.00 %
02. 11. 2023, 00:15
Travian Legends latest version support
15. 01. 2023, 17:00
Various changes and improvements
21. 08. 2022, 12:45
Various changes and improvements
01. 06. 2022, 01:00
Various changes and improvements
28. 03. 2022, 11:30
Various changes and improvements
25. 03. 2022, 17:00
Functional graphs in statistics
23. 03. 2022, 21:30
Improved new account registration
14. 03. 2022, 13:00
New tribes (Egyptians and Huns) now fully supported
13. 03. 2022, 15:00
Various changes and improvements
28. 07. 2021, 09:30
Various changes and improvements
Partner links
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Initial level:
95.1 %
Actual level:
0.0 %
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from 14. 07. 2019, 19:17:10