TOP 10 - supply players [crop]
47 229 267
43 349 405
41 161 812
36 529 762
34 968 825
27 552 439
24 961 644
23 374 591
22 511 306
21 889 694
TOP 10 - supply alliances [crop]
354 176 357
255 043 609
36 965 912
8 025 698
4 017 200
1 326 241
1 230 555
778 225
354 471
68 000
TOP 10 - crop overflowers
2 967 416
2 379 397
1 644 689
1 305 547
1 303 627
1 187 847
1 186 789
1 058 978
1 026 671
1 020 960
TOP 10 - feeding troops [Alliances]
02. 11. 2023, 00:15
Travian Legends latest version support
15. 01. 2023, 17:00
Various changes and improvements
21. 08. 2022, 12:45
Various changes and improvements
01. 06. 2022, 01:00
Various changes and improvements
28. 03. 2022, 11:30
Various changes and improvements
25. 03. 2022, 17:00
Functional graphs in statistics
23. 03. 2022, 21:30
Improved new account registration
14. 03. 2022, 13:00
New tribes (Egyptians and Huns) now fully supported
13. 03. 2022, 15:00
Various changes and improvements
28. 07. 2021, 09:30
Various changes and improvements
Partner links
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from 06. 01. 2018, 02:39:26